情人節將近 大家還在為了該穿什麼衣服 該畫什麼妝而煩惱嗎?
根據仙仙的市調 亞洲平均24~27歲的男生跟女朋友約會的時候 都不喜歡自己的女友的妝容太過濃豔
所以仙仙今天為大家示範的是less than more的妝感 希望大家會喜歡唷
Until now dose everybody still confuse what kind of make up and clothes should you have to wear on in Valentine‘s day ?
According to the survey ,average of 24~27 Asian guys dont like their gf wearing heavy make up when they are on the dating so  i wanna demonstrate less than more's make up to you girls

妝前保濕比任何一道關卡都還重要 想要擁有透亮有光澤感的肌膚 
The most important work is putting  moisturizer before making up 

保濕擦完之後 等待兩分鐘左右 讓乳液吸收近皮膚 之後再擦上隔離霜、粉底液
仙仙個人很推薦TERRY這款粉底液 因為在不同的燈光下
 After two  mins later when moisturizer insorbs into skin 
and then put sun lotion and foundation

底妝完成之後 在使用YSL用遮瑕打亮筆 蓋住黑眼圈 打量鼻頭及嘴角的黑色素!!
using YSL concealer to cover dark eye circles and high light (like pic)

putting the  golden yellow color on the eye lid

在使用淡咖啡色的眼影 打在眼球的上面 增加眼睛的深邃感!!
putting brown color under double eyelid it will make your eyes become more profound

使用NAKED2 顏色2
畫在雙眼皮線裡面  在使用顏色3 畫在眼尾的3分之1處
putting color2 on the double eyelid and putting color3 on the outer corner of the eye (one-third)


使用眼線膠筆質地的眼線筆 將內眼線填滿 最後再使用眼線膠畫出一條細長的眼線
如果眼睛會出油的妹妹們可以在畫好的眼線上面蓋在黑色的眼影粉 唷
using black eye pencil fill with inner of eye line and then using the  gel of material put up  the eyelash
tip:putting black of eye shadow can avoid oil 

the most of  important task of eye is wearing mascara 
it will help your eyes are become bigger than non-make up

我的可愛麻豆 在化妝之前很可愛的跟我指定他想要畫上粗眉
因為他的眉毛 毛量很足夠 所以仙仙就將他多出的眉毛剃掉後 在使用眉筆將空隙處填滿後
在使用染眉膏 增加眉色的持久感
 using eyebrow pencil to fill with the empty space and then dying the hair by eyebrow mascara
it will make eyebrow more lasting

想要擁有無辜又可愛的妝容嗎 橘色腮紅真的是首選之一的顏色
輕輕的將腮紅粉打在微笑肌上面 在使用一點點的粉底液蓋在腮紅上面
using orange color of blush can make girl look much cutier 
and putting foundation up the blush 
make more nuatural 

最後在使用打亮棒 打亮笑肌的上面  可以使整張臉看起來更立體些
 and then wearing high light on the blush part

想要擁有讓男生一看就想揪一下的嘴唇嗎?拋棄傳統的粉色換一下 橘色唇膏如何呢?
wearing orange lip color  can make u become much cutier and make guys wanna kiss you ~

情人節是個跟男友撒嬌請他們買花的好藉口 ~~
Valentine's day is a good excuse to ask your bf buying flower to you 
which one do you decide to ask?

以上就是仙仙為大家呈現情人節約會妝 希望大家會喜歡
如果身邊的Mr.right還沒有出現 不
thanks for reading my blog, i hope you guys will like this article
and happy Valentine 's day!!
if your Mr.right havnt showed up around you , having  coffee with your friends
it will be good decision~
    創作者 仙仙愛漂亮 的頭像

    Make up beautyの仙仙愛漂亮sen sen ‘s life

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